The year 2020 has been a roller coaster for the entire globe. As many of us sit in quarantine wondering when life will resume to some resemblance of normalcy, thankfully there are many people out on the front lines every day working to keep as many people healthy as possible. These people need our help right now more than ever.
What’s one way to help medical professionals that are graciously travelling to areas of need? Rent your home to a traveling nurses or other healthcare professional. (You can get started hosting a travel nurse right now).
Travel nurses need our support.
Amazingly, as pandemic COVID-19 hot spots pop up around the U.S., travel nurses from across the nation have stepped up to fill a big need in many of these areas. They are putting their own health at risk and travelling to new locations because of their deeply instilled values to help others. One big concern for these nurses and healthcare professionals as they travel is finding a safe and cozy place to stay. If you’re wondering what to do with extra space or a short term rental property, consider renting your home to a traveling nurse.
Making lemonade out of lemons.
These are weird times for everyone. Many businesses and home owners that relied heavily on the short term rental market have had to pivot quickly to survive. Even the mega-company AirBnB has had to rapidly change their dynamic. They have started offering long term monthly rentals and online experiences. The industry’s ability to shift gears has allowed a new market to open up to help health professionals find excellent housing while working on the front line. Additionally, it has decreased the burden on metropolitan areas to allow people sheltering in place to escape over-crowded living spaces.
Whether you have an entire empty vacation home or an extra mother in-law suite, you can open it up to travel nurses. Typically, they are looking for a home for 3-6 months. If you have a short term property or relied on additional income from renting your home, this is a great opportunity to house those serving your community while maintaining some of your income. As with any rental property, make sure you list it with a great description and high quality photos so that nurses pick your home.
What platforms to use for listing your home.
There are two primary options for making your home available to travelling nurses: AirBnB and Transplant Housing. As a mega platform, AirBnB always had great reach for potential nurse customer, while Transplant Housing specializes in travel nurse rentals. Thus, they can give you excellent advice for breaking into the market with details about set up, pricing, background checks, and more. Transplant Housing also has experience with shifting between different rental platforms to help keep your rental full as much as possible (when you want it to be). They even offer full turnover packages for anyone that wants to keep the process moving smoothly with minimal effort.
The bottom line.
In these crazy times, you can rent your home to a travelling nurse and know that you are making a difference by providing the roof over the head of a hero.